Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Renegade elites vs. the laziness of the American people. Get off your couch and carpool to water meetings. You will be healthier and wiser. You will meet wonderful folks. All around us, the justifiably concerned are coming together to get answers to our water woes.

The South Sacramento Water Group special meeting was packed last night. Notably absent were our local politicians. Am I starting to sound like a broken record? Estevan Lopez - Interstate Stream Commission (with ISC attorney) was the featured speaker. Also present was Mr. Bill Hume representing the Guv.

Guess what? The ISC needs more money, about 8-10 million to do the Salt Basin studies. Right now they get $250,000 a year for 5 years. Let's do the math.....$ 8,000,000 divided by $250,000 per year means that it will take 32 years to study. After the studies are completed, it is entirely possible the water will be long gone to the highest bidder. Don't say you weren't warned.


Janet White said...

People for Otero, tonight 7-9 at the Courthouse. Store-bought cookies and battery acid coffee available. (Put that in just to see who is paying attention.)

Anonymous said...

Follow the transformations:
Illegal aliens to
Illegal immigrants to
Undocumented immigrants to
Undocumented workers to
Guest workers to
Amesties to
Status adjustments.
Yes, I heard that term used on the floor of the Senate today. It made me feel so much better because, silly me, I thought we were addressing the subject of law-breaking.